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경북대학교 IT대학 전자공학부세미나

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제 목 [10/15(Tue.) 14:00] Machine Intelligence for human consciousness assessment (Professor: Kalyana C. Veluvolu)
작성자 김근수 작성일 2019-10-14 조회수 998
  • 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.

1. Title: Machine Intelligence for human consciousness assessment


2. Presenter: Dr. yubo Wang

3. Date: 2019-10-15 (Time: 2-3Pm)

4. Place: IT1-713 ho  (IT building No1 (418)-713)

5. Professor: Kalyana C. Veluvolu

6. Awards & Achievements:

  • 2016~presnet, Assitant Professor, School of Life Science and Technology, Xidian University, China
  • 2011~2016 Ph.D. School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University, South Korea

  • 2013~presnet, Member of IEEE, EMBS

7. Summary of the seminar:

  General anesthesia (GA) has revolutionized modern medicine by safeguarding patients during operations. Specifically, GA can abolish human consciousness preventing memory formation and sensory perception during operation through the application of intravenous or Inhalation anesthetics. However, the commonly used anesthetics are all potentially lethal with a very narrow treatment window. Prescribing the right dosage of anesthetics while inducing or maintaining anesthesia is still a challenging task, as the subject’s reaction to anesthetics varies significantly. Also, the level of consciousness cannot be accurately determined with the existing patient monitor system. In this talk, we will present possible solutions to tackle the above-mentioned problems by employing EEG signal and machine learning. We will focus on predicting patients’ response profile pre-operatively as well as monitoring the human consciousness level during anesthetic infusion.

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