Can We Find New Features for Speaker Identification? (6.2/14:00/E10-318)
- 조윤주|2008-05-22
Can We Find New Features for Speaker Identification? (6.2/14:00/E10-318)
- 조윤주|2008-05-22
Physical Design for 3D Integration at the Chip and Package(5.16/14:00-)
- 백현애|2008-05-14
Physical Design for 3D Integration at the Chip and Package(5.16/14:00-)
- 백현애|2008-05-14
New paradigm of telecommunications services and management(5.15/15:00~)
- 백현애|2008-05-14
New paradigm of telecommunications services and management(5.15/15:00~)
- 백현애|2008-05-14
상황인지 휴대폰의 지능 인터랙션기술 (5.9/14:00/E10-318)
- 조윤주|2008-05-08
상황인지 휴대폰의 지능 인터랙션기술 (5.9/14:00/E10-318)
- 조윤주|2008-05-08
2008년도 고부가가치 산업인력특별양성과정(반도체 전공정) 국비 교육생 모집
- 이정희|2008-05-08
2008년도 고부가가치 산업인력특별양성과정(반도체 전공정) 국비 교육생 모집
- 이정희|2008-05-08