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제 목 모바일 단말 세미나 시리즈(7) - Telecommunications Network and Its Technologies
작성자 관리자 작성일 2005-11-23 조회수 836
  • 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.

  [세미나 파일]

  1. 제 목 : Telecommunications Network and Its Technologies and MobilityIndustry trends
  2. 발 표 자 : 강 우 춘 박사 (Nokia Korea 사장)
  3. 일 시 : 2005년6월 2 일(목) 13:30~14:30
  4. 장 소 : 공대10호관 318호
  5. 초청교 : 김 남 철 교수
  6. 강사약력 :
    1972: 서울대학교 항공공학과 공학사
    1976: Illinois Institute of Technology, U.S.A. MS in Operation Research
    1981: Stanford University, U.S.A., Ph. D. in Engineering and Economic Systems
    1982 ~ Feb.“ 1984 Systems Control Technology, Palo Alto, California,U.S.A.
    1984.3. ~ 1988.8.: AT&T Bell Laboratories, Holmdel, New Jersey, U.S.A.
    1988.8. ~ 1991.4.:AT&T Korea , 1991.5. ~ 1993.8.: LG Information and Communications
    1993. 9. ~ 1995.1.:AT&T Korea,  1995. 2. ~ 2002.7.: Motorola Korea Inc.
    2002. 8. ~ 현재: Nokia Korea 사장
  7. 내용요약 :
    We cannot think of our recent life without mobile phones around. It justbecame part of life and our dependence on mobile phone will be increasingmore and more in every aspects of our lives.This seminar is about the telecommunications network and its technologiesthat evolved into a stage where it made possible of all the mobilecommunications we are currently enjoying. The discussion is aimed atproviding students a broad and practical understanding of communicationsnetwork and its technologies although the discussion itself is nottheoretical in nature.This seminar also introduces future mobility industry trends includingpotential of mobile services, technical directions, product stylecategories, and form factor and design evolution. Nokia examples areheavily quoted to provide the realistic introduction of the mobilityindustry.As a special topic, observation made from the latest Cebit2005, held inHannover, Germany, in March this year, will be shared to introduce the morebroader industry trends. The topics will include exhibition in general,mobile handset technology directions, and its design and material trends.

※ 주최 :  대구신기술사업단 모바일단말상용화센터,
초일류 모바일-디스플레이산업 인력양성사업단, BK21 정보기술인력양성사업단,
전자전기컴퓨터학부, 전자기술연구소, 대한전자공학회 경북지부

◀ 문의처 : 전자전기공학부 자료실 ☎ 940-8714 ▶ 

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