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제 목 세미나(11.16):Graphics & Visualization Research at the University of Auckland
작성자 김미영 작성일 2007-11-13 조회수 1389
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1. 제 목 : Graphics & Visualization Research at the University of Auckland 2. 발 표 자 : Prof. Wuensche (University of Auckland, NZ) 3. 일 시 : 2007. 11. 16. 11:00~13:00 4. 장 소 : 공대 13호관 104호 5. 초청교수 : 백 낙훈 교수 6. 강사약력 2007.12.~2008.7. : Visiting Scholar, School of EECS, KNU 2006~현재 : Senior Lecturer, Computer Science, Univ. of Auckland,NZ 2001~2006 : Lecturer, Computer Science, Univ. of Auckland, NZ 2004 : Univ. of Auckland, NZ, Ph.D., Computer Science 1992 : Univ. of Kaiserslautern, Germany, BSc, Computer Science Research Interests: Computer Graphics, Biomedical Imaging & Visualization 7. 내용요약 In the past five years Computer Graphics research in New Zealand has received considerable publicity through the "Lord of the Rings" Trilogy and other movies. In this talk we give an overview of Computer Graphics & Visualization research at the University of Auckland, New Zealand''''''''''''''''s leading university, and we mention avenues for potential future collaborations. Three research areas are presented in more detail: ● Sketch-based modeling is a promising approach for developing intuitive interfaces for creating 3D models of complex objects such as orchids. We present a pen-and-paper metaphor to achieve this. ● In the field of virtual surgery simulations our goals are to create low cost simulators for surgery training in developing nations and small hospitals unable to afford commercial simulators. We will show that game engines present a suitable basis for this. In order to use game engines for virtual surgery a stable and interactive simulation of soft tissue is necessary. We present results obtained using meshless deformation based on shape matching. ● We conclude with a summary of recent work in biomedical visualization. We show how second-order tensors, which express complex tissue properties such as material deformation and water diffusion, can be exploited to visualize the nerve fibre structure of the brain and the deformation of the heart. Finally we review work in Direct Volume Rendering which so far has been mostly used for visualizing scalar data sets. We introduce a framework for using DVR for higher-dimensional and multifield data set and show some recent results of using textures for DVR. ※ 주최 : BK21 정보기술연구인력양성사업단, 전자전기컴퓨터학부 ■ 문의처 : BK21정보기술연구인력양성사업단 ☎ 950-6613 ■
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