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제 목 New paradigm of telecommunications services and management(5.15/15:00~)
작성자 백현애 작성일 2008-05-14 조회수 5621
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1. 제 목 : New paradigm of telecommunications services and management 2. 발 표 자 : Masayoshi Ejiri (포스텍 BK21 연구교수) 3. 일 시 : 2008. 5. 15(목) 15:00~17:00 4. 장 소 : 공대10호관 713호 5. 초청교수 : 박종태 교수 6. 강사약력 Dr. Masayoshi Ejiri is currently a BK21 research professor of POSTECH since February 2008. Ejiri began his professional career in 1967 at NTT, the year he graduated from the University of Tokyo. He engaged in various business areas in NTT, including transmission systems development, visual communication systems development, nation-wide digital transmission network planning and management and director of telephone office. Last five years in NTT, he had been an executive manager responsible for strategic planning of service/network operations as well as management systems development. He also had been involved in CCITT( now ITU-T)activities since 1973,mainly on SG4 ( Telecommunications Management ) representing NTT and deeply involved in TMN( Telecommunications Management Network) standardization from the beginning. In 1995 he joined Fujitsu Ltd where Ejiri has been responsible for directing the telecommunications management business strategy and technology in Fujitsu groups as Vice President of Fujitsu Ltd. and Chief Scientist of Network Systems Group. Ejiri is a regular writer and speaker on telecommunications management issues for technical journals and conferences. He gave keynote speeches at IEEE sponsored conferences such as NOMS ( Network Operations and Management Symposium) ,IM ( International Symposium on Integrated Network Management .) , and IS&N ( Intelligence in Services and Networks) and was panel speaker for many international conferences . He served international symposia and conferences as general co-chair of NOMS’96 and NONS2004 , program co-chair of ICC’97 Work Shop and has been serving in many international symposia/conferences and journals as advisory board member, organizing committee member, technical program committee member, guest editors and so on. . He also founded the APNOMS(Asia-Pacific NOMS) in 1997 and has been leading it’s activities. He was the chair of IEEE ComSoc Enterprise Networking Technical Committee in 2000-2002. He was a Board member of TMF( TeleManagement Forum). In IEICE Japan, he initiated and chaired TM(Telecommunications Management )Committee . Ejiri received his M.S. and Ph.D. degree from University of Tokyo and he is IEICE Fellow. 7. 내용요약 IP and mobile infrastructure and growing customers’ requirement for rich and higher performance services are accelerating industries’ competition through business and technology convergence. There is now steady progress towards establishing a single “virtual” network based on the convergence of multiple network technologies where the end-user is effectively hidden from the underlying delivery mechanism. The creation of new “virtual” services depends on the industries ability to bring together and integrate a number of contributing service components. Achieving this succesfully , telecommunications industries are forced to reengineer their business process flexibly and agilely , especially their operations and management process and IT systems ( OSS : Operations Support System), key factors of service aggregation and customer care.. This seminar, firstly reviews initial and fundamental works on the telecommunications business ,technologies and OSS, then discusses paradigm shift of telecommunications services and management depicting turning points of dominant business and technologies. Finally new paradigm is suggested on the concept of customer centric( driven and defined ) services and management to meet emerging requirements for NGN ( Next generation networks) and Web. 2.0 world. ※ 주최 : BK21 정보기술연구인력양성사업단, 전자전기컴퓨터학부 ■ 문의처 : BK21 정보기술연구인력양성사업단 ☎ 950-6613 ■
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