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제 목 Compositional Analysis Techniques and Cyber Physical Systems(6.5/13:40/E10-318)
작성자 조윤주 작성일 2008-06-04 조회수 815
  • 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.

1. 제    목 : Compositional Analysis Techniques and Cyber Physical Systems 

2. 발 표 자 :  Prof. Insup Lee, Cecilia Fitler Moore Professor(University of Pennsylvania)   

3. 일    시 : 2008년 6월 5일 (목) 13:40 - 15:40

4. 장    소 :
공대10호관 318호

초청교수 : 이 우 진 교수

      - Ph.D. Computer Science, University of Wisconsin-Madison, May, 1983
      - Founding Editor-in-Chief, KIISE Journal of Computing Science and Engineering (JCSE), since Sept 2007
      -  Member, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Networking and Information Technology (NIT) Technical Advisory Group (TAG), since May 2006. 
      -  Co-Chair, IEEE CS Technical Steering Committee on Embedded Sysystems, since 2005.     
7. 내용요약 :
      Real-Time Embedded Systems (RTES) consist of a collection of components that interact   
    with each other and with their environment through sensors and actuators.  Embedded        
    systems are built into physical computing systems such as aircraft, automobiles, medical      
    devices, robots, and  consumer electronics.  As embedded systems become more complex,     
   component-based technologies are becoming an essential alternative to traditional monolithic      
   design approaches.  The main advantage of a component-based technology is that            
    complexity can be effectively managed by encapsulating large system modules within a        
    component. One essential challenge is to support compositionality, which means that the       
    properties of a system can be determined from the properties of its components. We have    
    been developing a hierarchical, resource-based framework for RTES using components.        
    One salient aspect is compositional schedulability analysis techniques for RTES, based on      
   the assume-guarantee reasoning of formal methods.  I will describe various resource      
  demand models, resource supply models, and compositional analysis methods, and  applications.

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