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제 목 Imaging beyond the space visible spectrum(6.11/16:00/E10-916)
작성자 조윤주 작성일 2008-06-10 조회수 892
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1. 제    목 :  Imaging beyond the space visible spectrum

2. 발 표 자 :  공성곤 교수(Electrical and Computer Engineering of Temple Universty)         

3. 일    시 : 2008. 6. 11(수) 16:00~18:00

4. 장    소 :
공대10호관 916호

5. 초청교수 :
이 민 호 교수

         1982 : 서울대학교 학사
         1887 : 서울대학교 석사 
         1991 : Ph.D,  Universty of Southern California, USA
         1992~2000 : 조교수, 숭실대학교
         1997~2000 : visiting researcher, Technical University, Germany
         2000~2001 : visiting scholar, Purdue University, Indiana
         2002~2007 : visiting scholar, University of Tennessee, USA
         2008 ~ : Associate Professor, Temple University, USA

7. 내용요약 : 
    This talk presents imaging technology beyond the visible spectrum for recognizing objects in challenging environments. Particular emphases will be given to thermal infrared imaging,  hyperspectral imaging, and Terahertz spectroscopy and imaging. Human vision is quite limited   in that the eyes are sensitive to light only within a narrow range of electromagnetic spectrum   called visible spectrum that typically ranges from 400 nm to 750 nm in wavelength. Imaging  technology enhances human visual perception, enabling us to explore the world of invisible    light. Visual perception with imaging beyond the visible spectrum involves imaging sensors    uch as infrared, terahertz and millimeter waves.
Thermal IR sensors measure heat energy  radiation from the object, which is less sensitive to ambient illumination. Hyperspectral imaging   in visible and near infrared spectra provides spectral signatures useful to detect abnormal    tissues.
The part of the electromagnetic spectrum between microwave and far infrared is  
 referred to terahertz radiation. Terahertz radiation can penetrate dry dielectric substances,  which are opaque at optical frequencies and provide very low contrast for X-rays. The  spectral information of the transmitted and/or scattered radiation could be used to detect   hazardous materials such as explosives, concealed weapons, and radioactive substances.


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