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경북대학교 IT대학 전자공학부세미나

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제 목 Integrating Rank Learning and Processing for Data Retrieval(9. 30 17시-)
작성자 박현미 작성일 2008-09-19 조회수 1645
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세 미 나 안 내 1. 제 목 : Integrating Rank Learning and Processing for Data Retrieval 2. 발 표 자 : 유 환 조 (POSTECH) 3. 일 시 : 2008년 9월 30일(화) 17 : 00 - 19 : 00 4. 장 소 : 경북대 공대 9호관 521호 5. 초청교수 : 한욱신 교수 6. 강사약력 : 2008.01~: Assistant Professor, POSTECH 2004.07~2008.01: Assistant Professor, 2004.06: PhD, Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1997.02: BA, Computer Science and Engineering, Chung-Ang University 7. 내용요약 : Ranking has become an important data mining task in 21st century, involving the areas of Web mining, machine learning, information retrieval, and database. Methodologies for learning ranking functions have been recently developed in the machine learning and IR communities while ranking or top-k query processing has been researched in the database community. Rank learning and processing are two different aspects of data retrieval – the former is to capture a user’s intended preference in the query while the latter is to efficiently process a given ranking query. The primary goal of the two research lines are, however, the same, that is to improve the “quality” of retrieval. In this talk, I will introduce the problems of integrating rank learning and processing to improve the quality of data retrieval and present some of recent work on these areas and open problems. ※ 주최 : BK21 정보기술연구인력양성사업단, 컴퓨터공학과 ◀ 문의처 : BK21정보기술연구인력양성사업단 ☎ 950-6613 ▶
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