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제 목 Liquid Mass Sensor for Real-time Disease Screening(2008.11.14. 11시)
작성자 박현미 작성일 2008-11-12 조회수 1341
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전 자 전 기 컴 퓨 터 학 부

세 미 나 안 내

1. 제    목 : Liquid Mass Sensor for Real-time Disease Screening

2. 발 표 자 : 권 재 완 (Assistant Prof. University of Missouri-Columbia)

3. 일    시 : 2008년 11월  14일(금)  11 : 00    -  13 : 00

4. 장    소 : E10 - 713호

5. 초청교수 : 박길흠 교수 (전자전기컴퓨터학부)

6. 강사약력 :

(학 력)

1994      B.S. Kyungpook National University, Korea, Electronics Engineering

1997      M.S University of Southern California, CA, Electrical Engineering

2004      Ph.D. University of Southern California, CA, Electrical Engineering

2004-2005 Post doctoral research, University of Southern California, CA, Electrical Engineering

(경 력)

2005-현재 Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Missouri-Columbia


7. 내용요약 :

Due to the recent growth of the micro/nanotechnologies, various biomedical info can be monitored in real-time.

The core of the device is the film bulk acoustic resonator (FBAR). Acoustic resonators have also been widely used for mass sensing because of their high sensitivity to mass change and potential low manufacturing cost. A typical acoustic mass sensor uses the fact that the resonant frequency of an acoustic-wave resonator changes in response to the mass change on the resonator surface. The structure of FBAR (consisting of a thin piezoelectric film sandwiched by two metal layers) is simple, and can easily be fabricated with a CMOS compatible process. Since the sensor uses bulk longitudinal standing wave (existing between two faces of the electrodes sandwiching a piezoelectric film), the sensor thickness dimension can be decreased down to level of its thickness without affecting its performance. Recently, we showed that an FBAR-based sensor (with its resonant Q of about 200 in air) can detect biomass change of 10-9 g/cm2 on its surface.

Moreover, leveraging the recent progress in microfluidic devices technology, the FBAR array sensor can be integrated with microfluidic channels and a thin film cover so that the sensor can have continuous and stable flow without much loss of samples. The highly sensitive liquid mass sensors can monitor various lethal disease cells. The compact sensor system makes whole detection and data analysis procedure very convenient and simple. A small palm top based sensor system can form a fast detection without many equipment to analyze fluorescence-based signals for generic medical diagnostic methods. Integration of the sensors with ASIC either in hybrid or on a single chip

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