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제 목 3D High-Speed Imaging and Fabrication based on~(11.14/15:00/E10-313)
작성자 조윤주 작성일 2008-11-13 조회수 977
  • 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.
      1. 제    목 : 3D High-Speed Imaging and Fabrication based on 
Ultrafast Optical  Pulse Manipulation
2. 발 표 자 : 김 대 근 박사 (M.I.T. 공대 Post Doc.)
      3. 일    시 : 2008년 11월  14일(금)  15 : 00- 17 : 00
      4. 장    소 : E10 - 313호
      5. 초청교수 : 김지현 교수 (전자전기컴퓨터학부)
      6. 강사약력 :
(학 력)
         1989.3 - 1993.2 서울대학교 기계공학과 공학사
        1993.3 - 1995.2 서울대학교 기계공학과 공학석사
        1998.9 - 현재  Massachusetts Institute of Technology Ph.D.

7. 내용요약 :

 For the past two decades, two-photon or multiphoton excitation has been very popular in the field of three dimensional (3D)
biomedical imaging and microfabrication. In the view of imaging, it has intrinsic optical sectioning capability,
and it has less photobleaching and photodamage effects on the samples. In terms of fabrication,
it generates 3D structures with fabrication resolution beyond diffraction limit, by utilizing the highly nonlinear kinetic process of polymerization.
However, point-by-point scanning and writing slows imaging and production processes, and this limits the potential applications of
this technique even though the intrinsic 3D resolution is very attractive for creating 3D images in high-throughput microcopy and 3D structures in mass production.

In this talk, several high-speed imaging and fabrication techniques based on ultrafast optical pulse manipulations will be proposed: 
handheld multifocal multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy, wide-field illumination multiphoton excitation fluorescence microscopy for
Image Correlation Spectroscopy (ICS), and 3D lithographic microfabrication system.
Basic principles of ultrafast optical pulse manipulation will be introduced, and the proposed techniques will also be evaluated empirically. Lastly,
the viability for their potential applications will be discussed.

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