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제 목 Toward better heathcare system: Current Issues and Solutions in the US(20081219)
작성자 박현미 작성일 2008-12-18 조회수 871
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전 자 전 기 컴 퓨 터 학 부

세 미 나 안 내


   1. 제    목 : "Toward better heathcare system: Current Issues and Solutions in the US"


2. 발 표 자 :  Dr. Jay Ohm


   3. 일    시 : 12월 19(금): 15-17


4. 장    소 : 10호관 713


5. 초청교수 : Dr. Jay Ohm


6. 강사약력

 2008 - Present: Professor at KAIST, Dept. of Business Economics,

 2005-2008: Director, Capsage Consulting, USA

 1987-2005: MTS, Bell Lab. USA

 1987: Ph.D. Northwestern University, Chicago, USA


7. 내용요약 :

Although the U.S. spends by far the most in the world in health care, the quality of care indices show that the U.S. is not doing as well as it should in providing health care to their people.  The current U.S. health industry is highly inefficient in the delivery and payment of medical services. Key players in the industry are ill-prepared to meet the growing future demand of health care services without significant investment and business transformation.  In this talk, we will examine the probems and issues in health care system to better understand the current state of inefficiencies.  In addition, we will present key solutions and ideas being discussed in the industry to better serve customers, payers, providers, and others.  Many IT verndors and solution providers stand to benefit as they will be playing a key role in bringing about health care business transformation.



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