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경북대학교 IT대학 전자공학부세미나

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제 목 Introduction to Cyber-Physical System and Assuring the Safety of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
작성자 관리자 작성일 2013-07-16 조회수 1068
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1. 제    목 : Introduction to Cyber-Physical System and Assuring the Safety of Medical Cyber-Physical Systems
2. 발 표 자 :  Prof. Insup Lee, University of Pennsylvania, Dept. of CIS
3. 일    시 : 2013년  07월  19일(월)  13:10 ~ 14:00
4. 장    소 : 경북대학교 IT-1호관 313호
5. 초청교수 : 자율군집소프트웨어연구센터 (센터장 강순주 교수)
6. 강사약력 :
        1977년 5월     B.S. Mathematics with Honors,
                         University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
        1978년 12월    M.S. Computer Science,
                         University of Wisconsin-Madison
        1983년 5월     Ph.D. Computer Science
                         University of Wisconsin-Madison
7. 현 소속 및 주요 경력 :
  - Cecilia Fitler Moore Professor of Computer and Information Science,
           University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
  - Director, PRECISE Center, School of Engineering and Applied Science,
           University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA
      - IEEE Fellow,Member, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST,NIT)
       - IEEE TC-RTS Outstanding Technical Achievement and Leadership Award, Dec 2008.
       - IEEE Computer Society's Certicate of Appreciation,1994,1998,2004,2006

8. 내용요약 :
   The objective of this research is to establish a new development paradigm that enables the effective design, implementation, and certification of medical device cyber-physical systems. The approach is to pursue the following research directions: 1) to support medical device interconnectivity and interoperability with network-enabled control; 2) to apply coordination between medical devices to support emerging clinical scenarios; 3) to ?close the loop? and enable feedback about the condition of the patient to the devices delivering therapy; and 4) to assure safety and effectiveness of interoperating medical devices.The intellectual merits of the project are 1) foundations for rigorous development, which include formalization of clinical scenarios, operational procedures, and architectures of medical device systems, as well as patient and caregiver modeling; 2) high-confidence software development for medical device systems that includes the safe and effective composition of clinical scenarios and devices into a dynamically assembled system; 3) validation and certification of medical device cyber-physical systems; and 4) education of the next-generation of medical device system developers who must be literate in both computational and physical aspects of devices.The broader impacts of the project will be achieved in three ways. Novel design methods and certification techniques will significantly improve patient safety. The introduction of closed-loop scenarios into clinical practice will reduce the burden that caregivers are currently facing and will have the potential of reducing the overall costs of health care. Finally, the educational efforts and outreach activities will increase awareness of careers in the area of medical device systems and help attract women and under-represented minorities to the field.
◀ 문의처 : IT대학 전자공학부 실시간시스템연구실 정설영 ☎ 940-8664 ▶

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