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제 목 (시간변경 : 11:00 → 11:30) [Rochester 대학 광센터(The Institute of Optics)의 Kevin P. Thompson 박사 초청세미나]
작성자 송재원 작성일 2013-07-23 조회수 1663

[해외전문가초청세미나 및 교류간담회 알림]

아래와 같이 전문가초청세미나 및 교류간담회를 개최하고자 하오니 관심있으신 분들의 많은 참여를 부탁드립니다.

----------------- 아    래 -----------------   

1. 제    목 : Some Extremes in Conventional Lens Design

2. 발 표 자 : Kevin P. Thompson 박사님 

3. 일    시 : 2013년 7월 30일(화) 11:30 ~

4. 장    소 : IT-2호관 103호

5. 초청교수 : 레이저응용기술센터(950-7858), 김지현 교수(950-7221)

6. 강사약력 :
Kevin Thompson, Ph.D is the Group Director of R&D/Optics at Synopsys, Inc.  Prior to the acquisition of Optical Research Associates (ORA, the developer of CODE V and LightTools) by Synopsys, Inc., he was Vice President of Optical Engineering Services.  Dr. Thompson’s primary technical expertise is as a lens designer and aberration theorist, particularly for optical systems without symmetry including EUV lithography projection and illumination optics and advanced reconnaissance systems.  Prior to entering a predominantly management role in 1992, he was the lead optical designer for the optics (null lenses) used to test, validate, and verify the new mirrors in both the off-axis aspheric COSTAR optics and the WF/PC II cameras in the completely successful Hubble First Servicing mission.   Kevin conducted his PhD research with Dr. Roland Shack at the University of Arizona where he developed Nodal Aberration Theory (NAT), the optical aberration field descriptions for optical systems without positional symmetry.  He is an OSA Fellow and a Fellow of the SPIE.
7. Abstract : 
Computational imaging is changing the landscape in many dimensions.  This seminar will present some of the extremes in lens systems and examples of potential simplifications when combined with computational methods that extend depth of focus.

 Rochester 대학의 Jannick P. Rolland 교수님도 함께 방문할 계획이며 현재 계획된 일정은 아래와 같습니다.
11:00 ~ 12:00  Kevin P. Thompson 교수님 전문가초청세미나 (IT-2호관 103호)
12:00 ~ 14:00  교류간담회 및 레이저응용기술센터 방문 (글로벌플라자)


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