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경북대학교 IT대학 전자공학부세미나

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제 목 [8/9(수) 16:00] 서울아산병원 빅데이터센터 경험(이민호교수 초청) _ 발표자 수정
작성자 김근수 작성일 2017-08-03 조회수 1978

1. 제    목 : 서울아산병원 빅데이터센터 경험


2. 발 표 자 : 심우현 교수


3. 일    시 : 2017년  08월  09일(수)  16:00 ~ 18:00


4. 장    소 : 경북대학교 IT대학 1호관 313호


5. 초청교수 : 이민호 교수


6. 강사약력 :

  2016.09 ~ 현재    Asan Institute for Life Sciences&Bigdata Center at Seoul Asan

                           Medical Center Biomedical Computing Core Lab, Radiology Assistant Prrofessor
  2013.07 ~ 2016.08  Seoul Asan Medical Center Radiology Research Specialist
  2012.06 ~ 2013.05  Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Post-Doc & Bull finch temporal
  2009.05 ~ 2012.06  Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging Visiting researcher
7. 내용요약 :
The evolution and infusion of “big data” in our abilities to track personal health information across multiple registries and administrative databases longitudinally has fostered contemporary health services and outcomes-based research worldwide. By discovering associations and understanding patterns and trends within the data, big data analytics has the potential to improve care, save lives and lower costs. Thus, big data analytics applications in healthcare take advantage of the explosion in data to extract insights for making better informed decisions, and as a research category. By digitizing, combining and effectively using big data, healthcare organizations ranging from single-physician offices and multi-provider groups to large hospital networks and accountable care organizations stand to realize significant benefits. Potential benefits include detecting diseases at earlier stages when they can be treated more easily and effectively; managing specific individual and population health and detecting health care fraud more quickly and efficiently. Scientists highlighted several important topics related with medical health care utilization. Clinical operation, research and development, public health, evidence-based medicine, genomic analytics, pre-adjudication fraud analysis, device/remote monitoring, and patient profile analytics are the major fields benefited by medical big data analysis. In this lecture, example and experience in AMC Health Innovation Big Data Center will be provided.

◀ 문의처 : IT대학 전자공학부 인공두뇌연구실 이혜경    ☎ 940-8616 ▶


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