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경북대학교 IT대학 전자공학부세미나

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제 목 [9/23(월) 15:30] Neural Circuit for Mental Simulation (이민호 교수 초청)
작성자 김근수 작성일 2019-09-23 조회수 1191

1. 제    목 : Neural Circuit for Mental Simulation

2. 발 표 자 : Kenji Doya (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Neural Computation Unit)

3. 일    시 : 2019년  09월  23일(월)  15:30 ~ 17:30

4. 장    소 : 경북대학교 IT-1호관 313호

5. 초청교수 : 이민호 교수

6. 주관 : 경북대학교 인공지능연구원, KNU-LG전자 융합연구센터

7. 강사약력 :

  2004-     Principal Investigator, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST)
  2003-2011 Department Head, ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories
  1999-2005  Research Director, Metalearning and Neuromodulation Project, JST
  1996-1999 Group Leader, Dynamic Brain Project, 
            Japan Science and Technology Corporation (JST)
  1995-2006  Visiting Associate Professor, Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST)

8. 내용요약 :
The basic process of decision making can be captured by learning of action values according to the theory of reinforcement learning. In our daily life, however, we rarely rely on pure trial-and-error and utilize any prior knowledge about the world to imagine what situation will happen before taking an action. How such ”mental simulation” is realized in the circuit of the brain is an exciting new topic of neuroscience. Here I report our works with functional MRI in humans and two-photon imaging in mice to clarify how action-dependent state transition models are learned and utilized in the brain.

◀ 문의처 : IT대학 전자공학부 인공두뇌연구실 정미지 ☎ 940-8616 ▶


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