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제 목 [대학원] BK21플러스 사업 해외석학초빙 세미나 공지
작성자 김남중 작성일 2013-11-11 조회수 1251
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[대학원] BK21플러스 사업 해외석학초빙 세미나 공지

ICT창의인재양성 사업단에서는 창조 경제의 핵심기반 창의적 고급인재 양성의 성공적 수행을 위하여 2013년도 제1차 해외석학 초빙 세미나를 개최합니다.

1. 주   제 : Graphene for Electronic and Photonic Applications.
2. 발표자 : William Ireland Milne
                (Engineering Department, Univerdity of Cambridge / Professor
3. 일   시 : 2013. 11. 13(수) 10:00~12:00
4. 장   소 :  IT대학 3호관 302호
5. 초청교수 : 이 정 희 교수
6. 내용요약 :
     Because of its excellent optical and electronic properties graphene has attracted enormous interest since it was first reported by Geim and Novoselov in Manchester.
Its high mobility and optical transparency, in addition to its flexibility, robustness and environmental stability make graphene a promising material for a wide range of applications ranging from electronics through photonics to energy including photovoltaics and batteries.
However, its true potential will not be attained until repeatable, production compatible methods of production are achieved.
In this talk I will begin with a brief introduction to Cambridge University, graphene and its properties and describe the new Graphene Centre we are setting up in Cambridge.
I will then discuss how graphene can be produced at present and some of the applications in photonics and electronics that we have investigated in our labs here in Cambridge.    

주최 : BK21플러스사업 ICT창의인제양성사업단, IT대학
문의 : BK21플러스사업 ICT창의인제양성사업단  (053)950-6613

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