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제 목 6월 14일 김홍준 뉴욕 시립대 교수 - Left Handed Nonlinear Transmission Line
작성자 조영기 작성일 2007-06-08 조회수 1162
  • 첨부된 파일이 없습니다.
주요 강연 내용: Theory and application of right handed and left handed nonlinear transmission line 일시 및 장소 : 공대 10호관 916호 6월 14일 10시-12시 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This presentation is composed of two parts. In the first part, it will be discussed how the RF/microwave systems and circuits are used in our daily life. The speaker will talk about RF/microwave systems used for wireless communication, RFID and RADAR. Specifically, RF/microwave field provides theories related to the implementation of transmitter and receiver for the wireless communication systems and RFID. Also, various RADAR applications with RF/microwave concept will be discussed. This includes conventional military purpose RADAR as well as scientific and medical purpose RADAR. In the Second part, the current research of the speaker at microwave laboratory in the City University of New York will be discussed. The speaker will begin with the talk related to Left-Handed Nonlinear Transmission Line (LH NLTL) which was developed by the speaker for the first time. It can enhance the performance of current microwave phase shifter, harmonic generator and tunable bandpass filter. Then, the speaker will discuss the possibility of using LH NLTLs for Phased Antenna Array System and transmitter and receiver of UWB RADAR/imaging. In the talk, the emerging UWB technologies and issues related to it will also be discussed.
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