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제 목 [BK21]Ultrasonic System & Medical Image Process (2012.05.21(월) 11:00 ~)
작성자 송화언 작성일 2012-05-18 조회수 859

1. 제 목 : Ultrasonic System & Medical Image Process

2. 발 표 자 : Dr. Li-Hong Juang

3. 일 시 : 2012521() 11:00 ~ 13:00

4. 장 소 : IT-1호관 318

5. 초청교수 : 이동익 교수

6. 강사약력 :

2006.1: PhD, Dept. Engineering Control & Instrumentation, Leicester University, U.K.

1993.6: MSc, Institute of Applied Mechanics, National Taiwan University

1990.9: BSc, Dept. Civil Eng., National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan

2010.10~Present: Research Associate Professor, GIS Center & Dept. Aerospace & Systems Eng., Feng-Chia University, Taiwan.

2006.8-2010.1: Project Assistant Professor, Dept. Electrical Eng., National Chung-Hsing Univ., Taiwan

1999.12-2002.12: Senior Engineer, Han-Shin Aeronautic Industry Development Co. Ltd. Taiwan.

1996.10-1999.11: Project Manager, IBAG Precision Machinery Co. Ltd, Taiwan.

1993.12-1996.9: Assistant Researcher, Institute of Nuclear Energy Research, Taiwan.


7. 내용요약 :

An ultrasonic system (US) uses ultrasonic vibration to obtain a driving force by means of friction. Ultrasonic system can produce larger torque at low speed with higher efficiency, in comparison with normal electromagnetic (EM) DC motors. No gears are used in a US and, therefore, direct drive is possible. A US has good control characteristics, high precision in positioning and no EM interference. Ultrasonic system can be used as actuators for robots as well as for many household appliances and medical instrument. In this presentation, I will develop some new novel US including (1) Disc-type Ultrasonic Motor, (2) Ultrasonic Linear Motor for MRI HIFU, (3) Ultrasonic Wheels and (4) Ultrasonic Communication. And also do research on another topic: medical image process, I will derive some novel computing and algorithm applications on medical image process including Ultrasound, MRI, Psoriasis, and X-ray CT images, the future effort is also explored.


주최 : BK21 정보기술연구인력양성사업단, 전자전기컴퓨터학부

문의처 : BK21정보기술연구인력양성사업단 950-6613

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