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제 목 [5/8(월) 14:00] Eyes-Closed Brain-Computer Interfaces(이민호교수 초청)
작성자 김근수 작성일 2017-05-08 조회수 2257

1. 제    목 : Eyes-Closed Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs)


2. 발 표 자 : 금오공과대학교 황한정 교수


3. 일    시 : 2017년  05월  08일(월)  14:00 ~ 16:00


4. 장    소 : 경북대학교 IT-1호관 313호


5. 초청교수 : 이민호 교수


6. 내용요약 :
 A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a communication method that translates brain signals into commands for controlling external devices. It can thereby provide an alternative communication channel for severely paralyzed patients, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients. So far, various BCI paradigms have been introduced to develop practical BCI systems, such as motor imagery, event-related potential (ERP), steady-state visual evoked potential (SSVEP) and so on. However, because patients with neurodegenerative diseases who are the main targets of BCI technology gradually lose their motor functions, including decline of visual functions in progressed states of the disease, these patients cannot take full advantage of the conventional BCI paradigms requiring moderate eye movements. In this presentation, I will introduce recent BCI studies based on new BCI paradigms that can be used in eyes-closed condition. I will wrap up the talk with the discussion on challenges and opportunities with the future BCI technology that can be used for paralyzed patients in daily life.
◀ 문의처 : IT대학 전자공학부 인공두뇌연구실 이혜경 ☎ 940-8616 ▶ 

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