교수프로필 Name Hahm, Sung-Ho TEL +82-53-950-6843 e-mail shhahmknu.ac.kr Lab Semiconductor Sensor & Optical Device Lab Area of R... MOSFET source drain contact and compound semiconductor devices
교수프로필 Name Han, Byeongcheol TEL +82-53-950-5545 e-mail hbycholknu.ac.kr Lab Power Electronics & Control Systems Lab. Area of R... Nonlinear system control, control design for power electronics system and power electronics circuit design
교수프로필 Name Han, Dong Seog TEL +82-53-950-6609 e-mail dshanknu.ac.kr Lab Intelligent Signal Processing Lab. Area of R... Autonomous Vehicle, Artificial Intelligence, Communication Signal Processing
교수프로필 Name Hur, Sung-ho TEL 053-950-7832 e-mail shurknu.ac.kr Lab Control and Renewable Energy Lab Area of R... Control, Wind Turbines/Farms, Condition Monitoring, Modelling, Cross-directional Processes
교수프로필 Name Joonku Hahn TEL +82-53-950-5514 e-mail jhahnknu.ac.kr Lab 3Dimensional Optical Technology Area of R... 3D display, 3D pickup, 3D signal processing