교수프로필 Name Lee, Dong Gyu TEL 053-950-4559 e-mail dgleeknu.ac.kr Lab Computer Vision & Machine Intelligence Lab. Area of R... Computer Vision / Machine Learning / Deep Learning
교수프로필 Name Lee, Dong-Ik TEL +82-53-950-7564 e-mail dileeee.knu.ac.kr Lab DECS: Dependable Embedded Control Systems Lab Area of R... Dependable Embedded Control Systems
교수프로필 Name Lee, Hyunyeol (Head of the Major) TEL e-mail Lab Area of R... Medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, brain nerve imaging, biofunctional imaging, AI convergence medical imaging
교수프로필 Name Lee, In Soo TEL +82-53-950-7843 e-mail insooleeknu.ac.kr Lab Intelligent System Design & Application Lab Area of R... Fault diagnosis and Fault tolerant control, Intelligent control using neural networks, Intelligent sensor system and environment monitoring
교수프로필 Name Lee, Min-Ho TEL +82-53-950-6436 e-mail mholeeknu.ac.kr Lab Artificial Brain Lab Area of R... Brain-like information processing system, Biologically inspired visual and audio signal processing, neural network with machine learning, intelligent sensor systems
교수프로필 Name Lee, Sangmoon (Dean of Faculty, Head of the Major) TEL 82-53-950-5509 e-mail moonyknu.ac.kr Lab Cyber Physical Systems & Control Lab. Area of R... Automatic Control Theory and Applications, Networked Control Systems, Cyber Physical Systems, Industrial Applications
교수프로필 Name Lee, Seokjin (Deputy Dean of Faculty) TEL 053-950-5523 e-mail sjlee6knu.ac.kr Lab Applied Acoustics & Audio Lab. Area of R... Acoustic / Audio / Music Signal Processing
교수프로필 Name Lee, Seung-Yeol TEL e-mail Lab Area of R... Nano optical device design, holographic display, metamaterial-based device, light wave theory analysis
교수프로필 Name Lee, Sung-Hak TEL +82-53-950-7216, 940-8639 e-mail shak2ee.knu.ac.kr Lab Vision and Imaging Lab. Area of R... CAM vision model/iCAM(tone mapping operator), HDR imaging, Image fusion, Image deep learning, Medical image processing
교수프로필 Name Lee, Yun-Jung TEL +82-53-950-6562 e-mail yjleeee.knu.ac.kr Lab Intelligent Robot Lab Area of R... Robot control, intelligence control, automated system
교수프로필 Name Lee. Kyung-Woon TEL +82-53-950-5540 e-mail kwlee87knu.ac.kr Lab Area of R... Operating system, Intelligent cloud, Server and container virtualization