교수프로필 Name Bae, Keunsung e-mail ksbaeee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Voice recognition, voice encoding, VoIP, digital signal processing, digital communication
교수프로필 Name Cho, Jin-Ho e-mail jhchoeeknu.ac.kr Area of R... Signal interpretation of living body, sensor and practical electric devices
교수프로필 Name Cho, You-Je e-mail yzchoee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Next-generation mobile communication system, broadband communication network (BcN), ubiquitous sensor network (USN)
교수프로필 Name Cho, Young-Ki e-mail ykchoee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Antenna engineering, microwave engineering, electromagnetic theory
교수프로필 Name Choi, Byung-Cho e-mail bchoiee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Designing of analog system, PDP operation circuit, current transformation circuit
교수프로필 Name Choi, Heung-Moon e-mail hmchoiee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Parallel Distributed Processing and Cognitive Science
교수프로필 Name Choi, Pyung e-mail p0choiee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Analog & Digital IC & ASIC Plan, Device & System Modeling
교수프로필 Name Choi, Si-Young e-mail sychoiee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... SDP
교수프로필 Name Choi, Tae-Ho e-mail thchoiee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Development of automated technology, mobile robots, vision system
교수프로필 Name Ha, Young-Ho e-mail yhaee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Digital signal and video processing, computer vision, color visual processing, video compression
교수프로필 Name Hong, Jae-Keun e-mail jkhongee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Voice recognition, voice encoding and composition, audio quality enhancement, development of signal processing system
교수프로필 Name Hong, Sun-Mog e-mail smhongee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Radar tracking system, Multidimensonal time-series prediction, Resource management
교수프로필 Name Jeon, Ki-Jun e-mail gjjeonee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Intelligent Systems
교수프로필 Name Joo, Eon-kyung(deceased) e-mail Area of R...
교수프로필 Name Kang, Shin-Won e-mail swkangknu.ac.kr Area of R... Photoelectron functional devices, photobiotic sensor, microprocessor biosensor
교수프로필 Name Kim, Chae-Young e-mail cykimee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Antenna engineering, remote exploration, electromagnetic wave theory and practical application
교수프로필 Name Kim, Deok-Kyoo e-mail dgkimeeknu.ac.kr Area of R... Video, current-based electrical engineering
교수프로필 Name Kim, Jungjoon e-mail jungkim7ee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Multi-computer Architecture and Performance, Embedded System Device, mHealthcare System, Wireless Network Convergence Technology
교수프로필 Name Kim, Ki-wan e-mail kwkimee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Thin Film
교수프로필 Name KIM, Nam chul e-mail nckimknu.ac.kr Area of R... Image coding, Digital Image processing, Computer vision and pattern recognition
교수프로필 Name Kim, Soo-Joong e-mail sjkimknu.ac.kr Area of R... Optical Signal Processing
교수프로필 Name Kim, Soon-Ja e-mail snjkimee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Electrical commercial transaction and data security technology, high-speed ISDN
교수프로필 Name Kim, Young-Mo e-mail ymkimee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Computer graphics, multimedia, visual Computer, visual processing
교수프로필 Name Koh, Kwang-Sik e-mail kskohee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Designing of digital system, Vision system, parallel processing computers
교수프로필 Name Kwon, Woo-Hyun e-mail whkwonee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Electric power, motor control, microprocessor application control
교수프로필 Name Lee, Deok-dong(deceased) e-mail Area of R... Electronic Nose System
교수프로필 Name Lee, Dong-Ho e-mail dhleeee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... SoC design, Plasma display system, Computer graphic display
교수프로필 Name Lee, Jonghyun(deceased) e-mail Area of R...
교수프로필 Name Lee, Jung-Hee e-mail jleeee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Molecular Beam Epitaxy, Quantum Well Laser, HBT, HEMT,MESFET, Semiconductor Physics
교수프로필 Name Lee, Keonil(deceased) e-mail Area of R...
교수프로필 Name Lee, Kyun-Kyung e-mail kkleeee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Underwater sound signal processing, underwater communication and sonar, target trail and tracing theory
교수프로필 Name Lee, Wooil(deceased) e-mail Area of R...
교수프로필 Name Lee, Yong-Hyun e-mail yhleeee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Semiconductor Thin Film
교수프로필 Name Park, Hong-Bae e-mail hbparkknu.ac.kr Area of R... Reliability control, large-scale system control, induction navigation control, factory automation
교수프로필 Name Park, Jong-Hee e-mail jhparkee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Database, intelligence-based information system
교수프로필 Name Park, Jong-Tae e-mail jtparkee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Next-generation of mobile communication network, ubiquitous networking and RFID system, multimedia mobile software, home networking
교수프로필 Name Park, Jongsik(deceased) e-mail Area of R...
교수프로필 Name Park, Kil-Heum e-mail khparkee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Video signal processing, video processing for medical use
교수프로필 Name Seo, Dae-hwa e-mail dwseoee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Parallel computer structure, computer operating system, multimedia
교수프로필 Name Shin, Jang-Kyoo e-mail jkshinee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Development of microprocessor surface property and sensor
교수프로필 Name Shon, Hyun(deceased) e-mail Area of R...
교수프로필 Name Sohng Kyu-Ik e-mail kisohngeeknu.ac.kr Area of R... Video signal processing, system of multiple-valued logic theory
교수프로필 Name Son, Byeong-Ki e-mail bksohnee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... FET Sensors
교수프로필 Name Song, Jae-Won e-mail jwsongee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Optical communication, integrated optics
교수프로필 Name Sung-il Chien e-mail sichienee.knu.ac.kr Area of R... Visual processing, robotic vision, character recognition
교수프로필 Name Yu, Sang Dae e-mail sdyuknu.ac.kr Area of R... Integrated Circuit Design, Computer Aided Design, Surface Acoustic wave Devices, Embedded Systems