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Research Divisions

Artificial Intelligence and Signal Processing

This field deals with the acqusition, transmission, and analysis of information, thereby including optical signal processing, parallel distributed processing, speech processing, the design of digital systems, color and image proccessing, computer vision, computer graphics, medical imaging, and sensor signal proccessing as the key areas.

소속 교수님들
Ahn, Sangtae Generative AI, Deep Learning, Machine Learning
Choi, Bong-Yeol Inverse problem, Signal processing, Image reconstruction
Choi, Doo-hyun Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Soft. Computing (Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Evolutionary Computation)
Jang, Gil-Jin Machine Learning, Audio signal processing , Brain Engineering
Kim, Hwanjin Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Communication
Lee, Hyunyeol (Head of the Major) Medical imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, brain nerve imaging, biofunctional imaging, AI convergence medical imaging
Lee, In Soo Fault diagnosis and Fault tolerant control, Intelligent control using neural networks, Intelligent sensor system and environment monitoring
Lee, Sung-Hak (Deputy Dean of Faculty) CAM vision model/iCAM(tone mapping operator), HDR imaging, Image fusion, Image deep learning, Medical image processing
Park, Soon-Yong Robot Vision, 3D Camera, Autonomous Vehicle, Stereo Vision
Shin, Miyoung Bio-medical informatics, data mining, machine learning


80 Daehakro. Bukgu. Daegu. 41566. KoreaTEL : 82-53-950-5506FAX : 82-53-950-5505

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